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ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 10:00 A.M.

Please join us for the 2024 Bnai Shalom Congregational Meeting on Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. via Zoom.

Zoom details will be provided closer to the meeting date.

The business of the Congregational Meeting as stated in the Bnai Shalom By-laws (by-laws) is:

• Reading of minutes from the previous annual meeting

• President’s Report

• Treasurer’s Report

• Rabbi’s Report

• Reports of the Standing Committees

• Election of the Officers and Directors

• Old and New Business

Voting can occur when a quorum is present at the meeting. The by-laws define a quorum and voting as:

• All adult members of the congregation through family, head of household, or individual memberships who are members in good standing at the time of any meeting shall count for a quorum and be entitled to vote. Twenty percent of such members shall constitute a quorum.

• Members shall be allowed to vote by telephone or by electronic media in real time as determined by the Board of Directors. There shall be no voting by proxy.

• Unless otherwise provided herein, all action by the congregation shall be taken by majority vote of those members present and entitled to vote at annual or special meetings of the congregation that meets the quorum requirement.

Please contact the Nominating Committee Chair with any concerns.