Congregation Bnai Shalom applied for a $25,000 Pennsylvania grant September, 2024. We have received notification that we have been approved for the entire requested amount. In the application we requested funds for a camera to view the parking lot of the synagogue, bullet-resistant safety film for 20 windows, and partial cost coverage for contracted security personnel.
In order to significantly reduce the vulnerability of the synagogue and its congregants, visitors and staff to physical harm, installation of bullet-resistant safety film on the windows will provide greater protection for congregants and visitors in the synagogue.
Although security cameras have been added around the building, there is no camera focused on the synagogue parking lot. A security camera focused on the parking lot will complement the existing outside cameras and provide a comprehensive surveillance of the synagogue perimeter.
Armed, private-company security officers are stationed in the building during services and events, which greatly enhances the safety of the congregants and guests.
These security upgrades are the recommendation of the Secure Community Network (SCN) Regional Advisor, Tim Brooks.
The proposed camera, window modifications and the on-site security personnel will help ensure the safety of Congregation Bnai Shalom's congregants, guests, and the professional/administrative staff.
Marc Abo and Vickie Semmel,