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Generations of Jews observe an important sacred ritual of reciting the Mourner's Kaddish prayer to honor and remember a father or mother. The prayer may also be said for others like a spouse or a child. Kaddish is recited at funerals, during the week of mourning (shiva), for 11 months, and then every year on the anniversary of passing.

And Job said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

Job 1; 21


We remember those whose Yahrzeits will be commemorated at Friday Night Shabbat Services.

(*Indicates a memorial light in the Sanctuary.)

June 28, 2024

Ida Mushlin - Beloved mother of Alvin Mushlin

Steven Gould * - Beloved husband of Patricia Gould

Deborah Braffman Schroder - Beloved sister of Marsha Abraham

Lorraine Forman - Beloved mother of Ellen Hof

Sidney Margolis * - Beloved father of Sherry Brooks

Seymour Gast * - Beloved father of Judy Walker

Jeanette Ziev - Beloved sister of Miriam Cassel

David Gordon - Beloved father of Gary Gordon

Herbert A. Snyder * - Beloved husband of Anne Synder–Lyons

Benjamin Sandler - Beloved father of Jeffrey Sandler

* We also remember these names that have been permanently inscribed on our memorial plaques Jack Malkin, Harry Roth, Harold Paul Cohen, Jeanne Gross Sher, and David W. Weil

July 5, 2024

Joyce Freeman * - Beloved mother of Robert Freeman

Matthew Hain - Beloved uncle of Herman Gross

Betty Duncombe - Beloved mother of Liz Cartine

* We also remember these names that have been permanently inscribed on our memorial plaques:

Julia Kahn, Julis Bricke, Stella Friedman, Tillie Moses, Harris Pasline, William R. Dempler, Elias Getz, and Liebman Nie.

July 12, 2024

Doris Bloch - Beloved mother of Robert Bloch

Jill Stewart Narrow - Beloved wife of Hank Narrow

Evelyn Rosenthal - Beloved mother of Carol Kaufmann

Leonard Weitzman * - Beloved father of Phyllis Rosen

Sylvia Rosenfeld - Beloved mother of Paula Grines

Andi Forman - Beloved sister of Ellen Hof and sister–in–law of Arthur and Karen Popkave

Belle Goldstein Pasline* - Beloved mother of Elsa Levitt and Gloria Pasline

* We also remember these names that have been permanently inscribed on our memorial plaques:

Alexander Brown, Hilde M. Rubin, Jacob Mayer, Samuel Wright, and Katie Feder.

July 19, 2024

Harry Freeman - Beloved grandfather of Nancy Ebert

Jonathan David Rosenthal * - Beloved son of Janet Rosenthal

Blanche Sandler - Beloved mother of Jeffrey Sandler

Howard Eiron - Beloved father of Michael Eiron

Julius Cohen * - Beloved father of Martye Cohen

Seymour Jacowitz * - Beloved father of Amy Opitz

Frances Abramowitz - Beloved mother of Sally Brau

Celia Cohen - Beloved mother of Marilyn Herschler

* We also remember these names that have been permanently inscribed on our memorial plaques:

Doris Lifland, Evelyn Cohen, Amelia Abrams, Rose Golden, and Joseph Adleman.

July 26, 2024

Rosalyn Meltzer - Beloved mother of Ronnie Freedberg

Bessie Freedberg - Beloved mother of Robert Freedberg

Harry Firstenberg - Beloved father of Alexis Fisher

Harris S. Pasline * - Beloved brother of Elsa Levitt and Gloria Pasline

Coleman Cohen - Beloved brother of Debby Ziev

Rae Eiron - Beloved mother of Michael Eiron

* We also remember these names that have been permanently inscribed on our memorial plaques:

Paul Diamond, Barre Bernstein, Bernard Martin Goodman, Fred Levin, Sadye Levin, Pearl Berkowitz, and Ida Cohen.

Memorialize a Loved One