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September, 2024
Av - Elul, 5784
Rabbi Adrienne

Shalom to my Bnai Shalom family!

September has arrived with its cooler weather and changing leaves and we know what that means: High Holy Days are almost upon us! Elul, the final month before Rosh Hashanah, begins on September 4th and marks the beginning of our annual period of introspection.

As we journey through the month of Elul and move closer and closer to High Holy Days, we sound the Shofar every day (except Shabbat), reminding ourselves to wake up and listen! Listen to our inner voice, that voice that is fully honest, that voice that knows right from wrong - and that knows where we have missed the mark. The shofar of Elul reminds us that we are not yet ready to turn aside from how we have been being. The shofar of Elul reminds us that we still have work to do.

The process of t'shuvah - returning or repentance - does not start on Rosh Hashanah. For the High Holy Days to have the greatest meaning for an impact on our lives, we must prepare for them. We must reach inside ourselves to evaluate who we are, who we are not, and who we want to be. Change doesn't happen overnight. Elul gives us the time we need to fully embrace the gift of renewal that our tradition offers us. It is a whole month.

My wish for all of us is that we accept this gift wholeheartedly. May we take this month to prepare: to let go of our shortcomings and to forgive ourselves and others, so that at High Holy Days 5785, we are able to unleash our limitless potential and celebrate our past, present and future.

Chodesh Tov - Have a wonderful month!

-- Rabbi Adrienne : )