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As of March 2022 - Services have resumed in-person, live streaming, and via Zoom.

COVID Policy - Updated February 2023

Anyone entering our building should have up-to-date vaccinations (i.e. all primary doses and all eligible boosters). Wearing a mask in our building is strongly recommended for all worship services and events. For large gatherings, we may require that masks be worn.

If you are feeling ill, if you believe that you may have COVID and are waiting for test results, or if you have been in “close contact” with someone who has COVID, please do not enter our building. Those who test positive for COVID should isolate for at least ten days and be symptom-free for 24 hours before coming to our building. Masks must be worn by anyone coming into our building for five consecutive days following an illness or from close contact with someone with COVID.

These guidelines are subject to change based on community COVID rates and CDC and State recommendations.

To access live streaming follow the directions below

Bnai Shalom Easton PA YouTube channel: v

NOTE: You can also access the page by the following steps:

1) open a browser from your computer, tablet, or phone

2) go to

3) In the Search box at the top of the YouTube page, type “Bnai Shalom Easton PA” and click the search button

4) Click either the Bnai Shalom icon or on the words “Bnai Shalom Easton PA” on the page

To enter the streamed service, click on the appropriate service as listed above.


It is with great pleasure and anticipation that we welcome the forthcoming High Holidays. On behalf of Bnai Shalom's Board of Directors, we wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.

Our High Holy Day services will be available to you in person and live-streamed in real time. We will make recordings available on line at a later date.

Your Bnai Shalom Medical Committee headed by Drs. Stan Walker, Arthur Popkave and Marc Abo have been working diligently to evaluate the dynamic conditions regarding the Covid-19 virus and variants. Your safety is our primary concern. To this end, masks must be worn.

Handicapped Seating: We will offer reserved seats for those with handicaps. Please call Irene and plan to arrive 20 – 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.

Vaccination: If you are unvaccinated, or will be sitting with unvaccinated family members, please call Irene. We will be providing sections that will enable social distancing to be observed.

Youth Services: Youth Services for ages 4-11 will take place on the mornings of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Registration is required by August 12 to allow for planning.

Babysistting: Registration is required by August 12th.

Guests: ALL guests require a ticket. Please call so that we can make those arrangements.

Masks must be worn in the building.


The safety of the community trumps that of anyone individual. We now live in a "6 foot world" where new safety measures will be in place and communicated to all. The information will be made clear to everyone and put on a separate portal on our website. We have been and will continue to monitor safe and local trends in preparing and updating our plans. Everyone participating in our synagogue life will need to sign off on the instructions.


New signage will be extremely important. The new rules regarding exit and entry, temperature checks, wearing masks, hand sanitizing, and carrying in personal items will be clearly posted.

There will be one door for entry and one for exit.

Hand sanitizing stations will be purchased and maintained in prominent locations. We have been the grateful recipients of some of this equipment donated by St. Luke's Warren Hospital.

Two air purifiers have been purchased for the main sanctuary.

Currently, cleaning and disinfection of the bathrooms, kitchen, and other areas is being done by our staff.

The staff will be further educated in proper procedures and undergo training before opening to the congregation.

Cleaning solutions effective against the virus will be purchased and used.

Social distancing will be enabled through reconfiguration of the sanctuary and all other areas.

The goal will be to limit touch points and safely distance.

Only one person will be allowed in the bathroom at a time.

Wipes will be provided for you to clean each area you feel you have touched.

Covid-19 in the State of Pennsylvania...

For up to date information on the Covid-19 virus within the State of Pennsylvania please visit: Covid-19 cases in Pennsylvania.